
Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden mit wasserlosen Hautpflegetrends, lehrreichen Artikeln, wissenschaftlichen Whitepapers und hilfreichen Videos.

Happi: Why Go Waterless?

Waterless Bōshi Beauty is a Transformational Product Technology That Creates New Opportunities for Beauty and Skincare Consumers like the idea of sustainable products, but they want products that are effective. Taiki focuses on making better performing products that are sustainable- helping brands achieve their eco-friendly goals. Taking water out of products is a proven path…

Bōshi Waterless Beauty Webinar​

Sustainable and waterless Bōshi products are the future of the beauty industry. Learn from Dr. Laura Frazier, Chief Scientist at TaikiUSA as she explains why sustainability in the beauty industry matters, why sustainable products that work matter even more, the path towards waterless beauty and how nanofiber technology is being utilized in the creation of…

The Case for Waterless Beauty Webinar​

Waterless beauty is the next revolution of skincare. Why is waterless important and what are the benefits for the beauty industry? Learn how Bōshi Fiber from Taiki is making waterless beauty possible. Watch our free webinar to learn more. Hosted by Jim Perry, President & CEO at TaikiUSA. Complete the form below to receive access…

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